
See what your followers REALLY think

Copy our super-simple embed code into your website to get started!

<div id="reactly_box"></div>
  !function(){var d=document,s=d.createElement("script");

Privacy first 🍪

We respect Do Not Track and also add an easy hook to enable or disable cookies for your users

// Decide whether to enable or disable cookies
// for your users
s.setAttribute('cookies-enabled', false);

Easy to customize! 🎛

Choose from the following reactions:

    👍 like     😂 laugh     ❤️ love     👏 clap    
    🤔 think     😮 shock     😡 anger     🙁 sad    

You can also change the order in which the reactions appear.

// Select the reactions you want to show or
// leave blank to show all
s.setAttribute('reactions', 'like, laugh, love');

Easily switch between light-mode and dark-mode:

// Select 'light' or 'dark'
s.setAttribute('theme', 'dark');

Show or hide the reactly logo

s.setAttribute('attribution', true);

Host it yourself 💻

You can host your own back-end if you'd like

Make sure to implement the following end-points:

Endpoint Type
/pagereactions/ GET Load all reactions for a given page
/reactions/ POST Submit a user's reactions
// Point to your back-end here
s.setAttribute('api', '');